The plan was to head out before the sunrise so I could enter an abandoned house adjacent to a friends apartment, wait for the sun, and explore flashlight free for a few hours. I headed out around 4 AM, while it was snowing, and started my trek across town. I made it to my destination only to find the building had recently been secured. So at 4 AM when you cant get into your objective, what better is there to do than head over to the old Attleboro train station. I walked around the building for a few, possibly finding an entrance and snapping a few shots of some passing trains. The sun was now coming out and the building was in plain view of the busying center of town, so I decided to head out for the time being and return at a later date before the sunrise. Heres the few shots I did walk away with.
Snow In The Streetlight Near My House
The building in the distance

The slower of 2 passing trains that morning

And the sun started to rise
The faster of the 2 trains

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