Thursday around noon Mr.
Meister called me and asked if I would be interested in crawling around in a few small storm drains. Since I didn't have anywhere to be until 5:00 I was down. I picked him up and we headed off to some local outflows. We knew the drains were very small in diameter and would probably lead to nowhere but we figured we'd crawl in a few hundred feet and hope for the best. Like we thought, it was just an endlessly tight, long, mucky drain to nowhere. We got bored with it and decided to just walk around in the river since we had the waterproof boots on anyways and snap some random shots. Nothing good but here was our day.
Photos by:
PunkUE and Mr.
MeisterPunkUE and Mr.
Meister sitting at the outflows
PunkUE climbing in to see what he could find. AKA Nothing

So PunkUE shots some river shots

And self portraits
While Mr.
Meister played under the bridge

Under the bridge Mr. Meister finds a parking sign

PunkUE finds a glass coke bottle

Hearts are everywhere recently
Bottle with hole cut in it
The railroad spike pulled from river
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