Friday afternoon I decided to walk up a few miles of railroad tracks and see where they headed. As I walked, I got sidetracked and ended up on the middle of a frozen lake navigating my way to the other side. I reached the other shore of the lake and in the distance I saw what I believed to be a shed of sorts. As I walked closer I noticed the ground highly littered with empty plastic bottles and tin cans. As I walked closer towards it I could smell the remanents of smoke in the air. I did a once around the house and then knocked on the door not expecting anyone to answer. Suddenly the door swung open and both me and the guy who opened it jumped back when we realized there actually was someone there. This guys shanty was setup about 4 miles into the woods in the middle of nowhere so im guessing he doesnt get company often. Startled he asked if there was something he could help me with. Still dumbfounded that someone answered the door, I managed to tell him I was out just snapping some photos of the surrounding area. I then introduced myself to the guy, who's name I found out was Earl. I pulled out my smokes and offered him one. He accepted and invited me into his "house" to shield from the wind. He explained to me that he made the chose to be homeless due to raised pricing in housing. This guy was obviously a contracter beforehand because the house he set up had been fitted with many amenities you'd see in a framed house such as joists, insulation, stairs, generated power, and even a woodstove. After we talked for a half hour or so, I asked for permission to photograph his "house". He gave me full permission to walk around photographing the exterior and surrounding area but said photographing either him or the inside of his place would just be too personal. I could understand that so I gave him a few more cigarettes and a bottle of water and made my exit. I walked around outside of his place for about 20 minutes and headed home. Both with a new friend and a new respect for the homeless in my town. Anyways heres some photos of the exterior and surrounding area. -PunkUE
"Off In The Distance"

"View From The Front"
"Front Door"
"Front Left"
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