For quite some time now I've had vauge memories of a building that was located behind a local church. I first saw this building back in like 1990 when I was in boyscouts and had forgotton about it until about 6 months ago. Because I was not exactly sure where this place was I never got around to even looking for it until this afternoon. I headed out around 2 PM on my short walk to the church. As I entered the woods behind the church I was met by barricades of thorn bushes. I worked my way through them and was faced with my destination. The building, now nothing more than ruins, was not what I was hoping for or expecting but I made due with what I had to work with. Photos by: PunkUE
The chimmney was all that was left

Another angle

From the other side of foundation

Ash trap

like I wouldnt climb that

Shelves from rocks



Looking down the foundation


Front steps

Macro of moss on steps

0o0oh Scary


Dr. Pepper

I stood the fridge to photograph them both at once

Soda machine



Fuse boxes

Not sure what this is

Another angle
Water heater
Some kind of tank


Fire pit
From the right front


Log bridge

Time marked tree Part.1
Part 2
Part 3
I'm fairly certain that the item you are not sure what it is, is a traditional wooden apple press.
Thanks man. I'm pretty sure you're right. I ran into a few of them at an old orchard I explored a year or two ago, and the person I was with identified them as the same.
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