Active LaSalette-3/20/07

I've alreay made two other posts today so I'm getting sick of writing. I will leave this post just saying I dont know how much of the christianity crap I believe in, but some of the sights at LaSalette are very pretty and make for some excellent photography. -PunkUE Out


Anonymous said...

Your shrine photos are simply haunting. Have you left any of these on the urban exploration/anti-demolition site? I think others that don't necessarily check out people's pages would absolutely love these photos.

Debbi (~thenever~)

Ryan Ademan said...

I have not yet, but I plan on it. For those who are unaware of what Fuzzy is speaking of, its a tight knit group of Explorers from all over who have come together to share their photos, stories, and disapproval for urban demolition. You can find the group here.