I had always seen photos by some of the most talented drainers using only candles for a light source. The photos always had a warm feel to them and I wanted to try and duplicate that feeling. I headed to the All Saints Drain with Mr. Meister and 2 dozen candles. We got a few shots and headed home. -PunkUE
The Entrance To The All Saints Drain

Built between 1935 and 1940

Setting up

A little warmer
Thats more like it

The strip

Looking out

Another mindless self photo of me and Meister

The End
Great draining shots there buddy . . . never pegged you for a spelunker. Love to see the images . . Would never go down that tube myself (my old back, legs, fill in the blank).
Me and Meister are the only people in Abandoned Dreams that will crawl around underground. We fucking love it though.
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