Abandoned dreams Exploration is group of Urban Explorers founded by PunkUE in Massachusettes in 2006.
All Saints Drain-5/8/07
I walked outside today and automatically knew I had to get underground. It was 93 degrees outside when I picked up Mr. Meister and headed down to Providence in search of another drain I located via local live. We got to the area and parked in the baseball feild parking lot of a local school. As soon as we got out of the car I noticed a stone retaining wall kind of dugout thing. I walked over and found the entrance to a 5 foot RCP drain with brick junctions every 300 yards or so and a 100 foot clay section. I counted at least 7 junctions before the drain was too small to walk through comfortably. The drain has a metal grate welded over the entrance but we easily crawled underneath that and got our flashlights out and ready to go. This was NOT the drain I was looking for but it was pretty nifty that right where I parked was on top of a cute little drain. This was the first trip with my old camera and I was very unimpressed with the results. Once I get a hold of a better camera I'll return to this drain and post better shots, but for now I present what would be the All Saints Drain if the photos weren't horrible. -PunkUE Out
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