Abandoned dreams Exploration is group of Urban Explorers founded by PunkUE in Massachusettes in 2006.
Too Hot Above Ground- 8/04/07
Due to the 90+ weather on Saturday I decided to give J Greeny a call and see if he was down for some draining. We headed off to the 716 drain in Providence and in no time we were in the water and heading into the mouth of this beautiful monster. As we walked along, J greeny was surprised to see the trademark fish and eels me and Mr. Meister have become so accustomed to seeing. After wading through the water for close to an hour we reached a spot that was dry enough to sit and gather our thoughts. I remembered I had brought along a Roman Candle and we decided to give it a go. I had previously seen video of these in drains and figured I'd try it. Loudest fucking thing I've ever heard. Im sick of writing. Enjoy. -PunkUE
Yo i spotted that eel and I can only imagine what those flares looked like underground. Hit me ^ next time you head back to 716
Yo i spotted that eel and I can only imagine what those flares looked like underground. Hit me ^ next time you head back to 716
You got it
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