Today I got a call from a few buddies and we decided to head down to Taunton to do some exporing. While we were going by Taunton State Hospital we decided to drive through seeing as I was the only person who had seen it in person before. We drove through, walked around for a few and headed out. -PunkUE Out

It looks much nicer in the sunlight... But I think the last time we were there it had a more ominous feel to it with the fact that it was so cloudy outside that day (the cops and security didn't help it feel any more "welcoming" either!).
HAHA! For you guys! They welcomed me with open arms and I got some great exteriors that day. You guys should have stayed with me, I'm friendly
Taunton is one of the most beautiful asylums out there. The architecture is so grand and amazing. And those little glassed-in walkways? Gorgeous. Nice shots.
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