While shooting around a cemetery in Providence a few weeks ago I happened upon the entrance to a large storm drain. I wasn't equipped to drain that day so I continued shooting the cemetery. I returned the other day with Mr. Meister and some flashlights and we headed off into the underground of Providence. The drain was composed of 2 25 feet tall underground waterways side by side. About 500 feet into the drain we found a side drain that led to a much older brick junction leading off in 3 directions, all made from different materials. One was a 5 foot brick drain with 2 feet of water, one was a 3 foot metal pipe, and the other a 5 foot concrete pipe. We wanted to finish the large section of the drain before we headed down the brick drain so we turned around and headed back to the original drain. Every hundred feet or so there was large cutouts in the wall connecting to the opposite drain. We waded our way from one end to the other on the right side and headed back on the opposite side. As we walked with the current on our way back we could see clearly to the bottom of the water. We watched as hundreds of large fish and foot long eels swam by us. It was really something interesting to me as I'd never witnessed anything like it. When we reached the other side of the drain where we first started we noticed the time and knew the gates to the cemetery were due to close soon so we dried off, changed our shoes and drove off, vowing to return someday to further explore the brick drain we missed out on. Heres the photos. Sorry about the quality, I couldn't find my crappy tripod and didnt want to get my nice one wet. -PunkUE Out