The other day I got bored and decided to explore the Leavens Awards Company as posted in the last blog. In the last few minutes of my exploration I happened upon a small pit in the floor. I proceeded to take the rotting boards off of the pit hoping to possibly find a tunnel or something cool. Unfortunately no tunnels but a big pile of dirt and oil with different sized plates and pins made of either bronze or brass. I took somewhere close to 30 home with me and proceeded to clean them off. I was amazed with the results of a little tough scrubbing. I'm planning on returning them to where I found them as soon as the weather gets a little warmer for future explorers to admire. PunkUE out

I couldnt make out what this one said

4 H Club arrow

Odd little imprinted 1 in a shield

I couldnt make out what this one said either

Looks like it may have said something at one point but it was faded away

AAA Saftey Patrol Award

Back of AAA Award

Cat plate thing, possibly a pin

Frito-Lay award

Back of Frito-Lay award

Rotary International emblem

Back of emblem Date on pin says 1946

Random bronze or brass plate thing

Olson Travel promotional pin plate

American Legion Emblems

Some kind of wings

Canadian Goose plate

56th National Convention pin Circa. 1974

Couldnt quite make this one out due to erosion

Random Shapes

2 Lowrey Plates

Some kind of little guy

Bowling League Award

2 Harley Owners Group Pins

Wurlitzer Jukebox Company bronze or brass plate
For the sake of preserving those beautiful things you came across on, I would leave a note with them when you return them asking future UE-ers to please not take them for themselves as they were meant to be left there by whoever left them there. Maybe put them in a box or something. Though, I do think it was really cool that you cleaned them up & plan on bringing them back - that's awesome : )
One of the ones you couldn't make out is 'Kiwanis International', and the one that says 'Serving the World' is a Lions Club medallion.
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