Upon arrival I was met with an impressive waterfall

A shot from the top looking down

This was the river I now had to figure out how to cross

It was cold enough out to make ice on branches

The fallen tree I crossed to access the other side of the river

The fallen tree from the other side of the river

The other side of the waterfall

Sweet brickwork on the waterfalls edge

The first stretch of the path

Another stretch of path

Some kind of rusted out structure

A closer shot of the rusted metal posts

Anyone who knows me knows I like to climb unsafe shit

Whoring myself out on the ice

Im a big fan of nature as well as UE so I incorporate them together often

Again with the nature

Ok now the sign to the shooting field

Spent shotgun shell

Another spent shotgun shell

A pile of spent semi automatic looking shells

A closer view shows spent shell of many calibers

A rusted out, shot up barrel

As always my signature crappy pano

Military style lockbox/shed

The backside

Outside the shed lay 1000's more spent shells

Some kind of metal target

I figured it would be locked but tried the handle anyways

It was unlocked and full of human paper targets

Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council

A few smaller neon circular targets were laying around as well

The bottom of the shed was filled with 1000's more spent shells

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