The Foster Building. So many things come to mind when I hear those 3 words. This building has meant so much to so many people. Also known as "The Band Rooms", this building was a home away from home for local musicians, artists, and die hard fans for years. An old mill building converted into rehearsal studios, the building was also home to a sobriety house and was the headquarters of the infamous Paddleboro S&M Club. See link below for story. The building was closed years ago after being declared unsafe(Something the rest of us had known for years). A large portion of the building was later torn down to make way for a fucking parking lot. So many bands started and ended their careers in the damp, cold hallways of this building. I spent a very decent portion of my childhood/early teen years wandering the floors here enjoying good friends, good music, and making some of the best memories of my life. I don't even know how to describe this building and make it seem like it would have if you had visited when it was open. Vans blowing up in the parking lot, fights in the back, drunks falling down the ridiculously steep splintering stair set outside, people being covered in permanent marker for passing out, people duct-taped to poles upside down, acid trip glow in the dark hide and seek, and so much more. This place was a fucking madhouse and somehow we all got away with everything not 100 feet from the local police station. Great times. This building was host to such local and semi-local acts as Room W/A View, Soulshed, Tung, NoName Maddox, Itchy Fish, Skitzochant, KancerHed, FairHaven, and Flip 22. You can find more about The Foster Building at my first ever website made so long ago I don't even remember making it. can find more about the S&M mishap at can find a MySpace made by some "Mysterious" person. It's not made by me. It's at
Http://'m getting sick of writing and having too many memories. Gotta go. Enjoy. For now, just exteriors. Interiors soon. -PunkUE
R.I.P. Mr Foster. We all miss you

1 comment:
I remember eyeing that place at the train station. It looks pretty wicked. Gimme a call when you're ready to hit the interior, I'd love to see it.
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