This set was Taken by Turrel at the culvert now known as Spillway. A very tiny culvert in height actually looked like it had potential right until we rounded the first corner and was greeted by a redbrick spillway leading to the bright light known as the end. He only took a few and I got in the way of most, but here they are. -PunkUE Out

This is the last photo taken with my Nikkon CoolPix before it took the plunge. At least she went out with a splash. Turrel took this photo right before taking the first steps into what is now going to be called The DeathTrap Drain. As soon as he took the first few steps in with me trailing right behind the rushing water swept him off his feet. I really wish I could find some way to express how fucking funny it was, but nothing seems to work. Oh, it was great. Anyways, happy Turrel is still alive and willing to crawl underground. That fucking thing banged him up pretty decent. A moment of silence for the Nikkon........Ok. Enjoy. -PunkUE