In Case You Missed It(Residential)Part 1

We'll start this first part of the Residential version of In Case You Missed It with an old abandoned psychics house. This lady and her daughter ran a small tarot and palm reading business out of this house. Not very long after we explored this house it was demolished alongside the Ski Barn to make way for a carwash and a fucking Dunkin' Donuts. Thats some shit considering we have 3 on every corner already. I guess thats just how the game goes. At least we were able to explore it once. Enjoy.

This house known to Abandoned Dreams as the Oakhill Farmhouse was one of the most memorable explorations so far. This decaying beauty had all the right makings for a horror movie. After some deliberation of how to infiltrate the house, Skwatting Dawg and I decided climbing on the overhang roof connecting to the garage and climbing through the only broken window on the property would be our best course of action. Once inside we realized the atic was full of bats, there was an open well in the basement and this place was pretty fucking creepy. Good creepy though, like a bad horror flick. Enjoy.

The last house in the Residential version of In Case You Missed It is a little place we know nothing about. Hell, we didn't even know it existed until we were walking around McCarron's Greenhouse and spotted it in the back. We weren't able to do much photography here because as we were exploring a local neighborhood teen ran inside to warn us about an old guy we had seen on our way in and how he had just called the police on us. Not wanting any trouble with the locals, we split thanking the kid for warning us. Enjoy.

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