2007 has been a blast for Abandoned Dreams, but since the website was ADE07 I figured I had to make some changes. There's going to be a new website for 2008. I'm not very clever or crafty, so join us at http://www.ade08.blogspot.com/
Thanks to everyone who has wasted their time checking out the website over the year and all the people who supported us by throwing our banners on your websites/myspace pages. You guys all kick ass in my book. I had no idea so many people would give a fuck. I've met alot of great people this year through this website and can only hope next year will be as good to Abandoned Dreams. This site will remain up for anyone who cares to scan through the archives to see where we've been, but everything we explore after 1/01/08 will be updated to the new site. We hope to see some of you there. Because, if we don't see you there:
